AIDS Awareness Month
By Kris Powers | December 10th 2013December 1st, officially called World AIDS Day, marked the beginning of AIDS Awareness Month.
According to the website, more than one million people are living with HIV and AIDS in the US. One in six people living with HIV are not aware that they have the disease, and one in four new cases of HIV occur among young adults from 13 years of age to 24.
During the month of December, it is common for people to wear the red ribbon which is the global symbol for solidarity with those living with HIV or AIDS. For the last twenty years, World AIDS Day and AIDS Awareness Month have been put in place to remind people of the AIDS crisis and to always remember those who have been lost to HIV/AIDS.
Ed4Career offers a number of courses in our Workforce Compliance Catalog to help further the understanding of HIV and AIDS.
"Bucket Filling"
By Kris Powers | December 3rd 2013I recently learned of a popular children’s book entitled, “Have You Filled a Bucket Today?” by Carol McCloud. Bucket filling is an easy-to-understand concept: Everyone carries an invisible bucket that holds our good thoughts and feelings. When our buckets are full, we feel happy and when our buckets are empty, we feel sad. Even small children can understand that when they do and say things that are kind, caring and respectful, they can fill buckets. They can also easily understand that when they are mean, uncaring or disrespectful, they dip into those buckets and take good feelings away.
Alzheimer's Awareness Month
By Kris Powers | November 26th 2013The holidays are a wonderful time to share family stories and memories. If we're honest with ourselves, some of us might be secretly dreading having to sit through another one of Uncle Bob’s “winter of 1966” tales. But for those with a family member suffering from Alzheimer’s, the loss of memory can be devastating, and many would give anything to hear their loved one share a story with them once again.
November is Alzheimer’s Awareness Month and the facts are staggering. According to the Alzheimer’s Association:
- Alzheimer's disease is the sixth leading cause of death in the United States.
- More than 5 million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s disease.
American Education Week
By Kris Powers | November 18th 2013“If we want America to lead in the 21st century, nothing is more important than giving everyone the best education possible — from the day they start preschool to the day they start their career.”
—President Barack Obama
In 1919, the NEA and the American Legion sought ways to generate public support for education. Their efforts resulted in a national effort to raise public awareness of the importance of education. In 1921, the NEA called for: "An educational week ... observed in all communities annually for the purpose of informing the public of the accomplishments and needs of the public schools and to secure the cooperation and support of the public in meeting those needs."
Happy Veteran's Day!
By Kris Powers | November 11th 2013Veterans Day is an official United States holiday celebrating the service of all U.S. military veterans. November 11th of each year is the day that we show veterans just how much we deeply appreciate the sacrifices they have made to keep our country free. However, we can and should honor our veterans 365 days of the year. There are many different ways that one can thank a veteran and a number of organizations have been established to make it easier to do so. Here are just a few:
1. The Coming Home Project
The Coming Home Project is a non-profit organization devoted to providing expert, compassionate care, support, education, and stress management tools for Iraq and Afghanistan veterans, service members, their families, and their care providers.
2. Disabled American Veterans
Celebrating Diversity
By Kris Powers | November 7th 2013Recently, I had the pleasure of working with a gentleman born in India who has been in the United States for almost 25 years; working, raising his family and contributing to his community. During breaks in our conference schedule, he shared with me his views on diversity and the steps he takes both in his personal and professional life to promote an understanding and acceptance of all types of people. These conversations led me to think deeply about diversity and the conversations I have in my own home, as well as diversity in the public school system, my community's workforce and the neighborhood in which we live.
“It is time for parents to teach young people early on that in diversity there is beauty and there is strength.” ― Maya Angelou
What do You Want to be When You Grow Up?
By Kris Powers | October 29th 2013What do you want to be when you grow up? It’s a common question often asked of small children and answered by many aspiring ballerinas and astronauts.
As the mother of two college-age sons, I see them struggling with the same question. Only this time, their answers count. High schools are asking Freshman to declare their major; and of course, colleges demand the same.
What do you want to be when you grow up? It’s a tough question for many of us to answer at any age. However, I truly believe we can all benefit by asking ourselves this question over and over again at various periods throughout our lives. Our interests are always evolving and new technologies open up job opportunities that may not have been available to us previously.
Make a Difference Day - October 26, 2013
By Kris Powers | October 22nd 2013USA WEEKEND Magazine and Points of Light have joined together for over twenty years to sponsor Make A Difference Day, the largest national day of community service. On this day, millions of volunteers from around the world unite in a common mission to improve the lives of others. This year’s Make a Difference Day is Saturday, October 26, 2013.
The examples of past Make A Difference Day events below show that anyone - regardless of age, location or resources - can accomplish wonderful things when they address a need they see in their community. Let their stories inspire you.
Ed4Career's 3rd Quarter Newsletter
By Kris Powers | October 15th 2013"Education is the power to think clearly, the power to act well in the world's work, and the power to appreciate life." Brigham Young
We've been very busy at Ed4Career expanding our staff of curriculum designers to help us create the courses we want to add to our catalog. We are also continuously at work redesigning and updating existing courses to ensure that students have the most current information, technologies and textbooks to help them reach their educational and professional goals. We're on the lookout for growing occupations and special needs in the marketplace and aim to deliver courses designed to meet the demands of today's student and the corporate world.
Social Media Inside the Classroom
By Kris Powers | October 8th 2013Whether designing a campus-based course or an online course, utilizing social media in the classroom can reap many benefits for both teachers and students alike. Instructors benefit from feeling more “connected” to others across the country by developing a professional learning network outside of their classroom or office walls. Social Media sites such as Twitter and Facebook are accessible 24/7, allowing participants to log on to seek answers, support and inspiration at any time throughout the day or night. These tools allow everyone to expand their professional development easily and effectively.
For students, the use of social media can also have many benefits. Incorporating some type of social media in your course can:
· Present students with the opportunity for frequent, open communication and the ability to exchange ideas not only locally but globally by connecting with others around the world.