Drug & Alcohol Counselor Professional Program: How you can make a difference!
By Kris Powers | August 21st 2019Drugs and alcohol are unfortunately becoming a more prevalent problem in our society today. Statistics showed that there were more than 19.7 million people in America (aged 12 and older) that were suffering from a substance abuse disorder in 2017. 74% of those adults struggled with alcohol abuse, while 38% struggled with illicit drug abuse. It also revealed that one in eight adults in the United States struggled with both a drug and alcohol addiction concurrently. Of the over twenty million Americans that needed substance abuse treatment in 2017, only about 19% of them received treatment. Do we have your attention?
How can you help?
Nurse’s Aides: More than just an “Aide”
By Kris Powers | August 14th 2019As a nurse’s aide, you are far more than just an aide to the nurse. Nurse’s aides are generally the support staff that spends the most time with the patient during their stay. They are a vital part of the team that takes care of a patient from the time of admission until the time of discharge. Learn more here!
What is a Career Training Program?
By Kris Powers | July 31st 2019Career training that leads to professional certification can give individuals a leg up on employment or advancement in their career field. Read more to learn how career training can benefit you!
Exploring Alternatives to the 4-Year Degree
By Kris Powers | July 11th 2019The key to success is a good education. After high school, there are many options of obtaining continuing education and career training.
Certifications: An HR Specialist's Perspective by Kelly Maureen
By Guest Blogger | June 27th 2019In my role as Human Resource Specialist for a large software technology company, I am tasked with recruiting, interviewing and hiring new talent when the need arises. For example, we recently had an opening at my company for a Financial Analyst. The hiring manager requested we find an applicant with a bachelor’s degree in Finance/Accounting with strong Excel and analytical skills. Simple to fill, right? Not as easy as we originally thought.
After posting the opening on our company website, we received a huge influx of resumes; all with similar backgrounds and degrees. The resumes that caught our attention and rose to the top of the pile were those applicants who had completed certification courses after receiving their bachelor’s degree.
What Makes You Unique?
By Kris Powers | June 19th 2019We have many qualities within us that make us unique. How we approach situations, problem solve, learn, apply that knowledge, prioritize tasks and manage our time. Our unique abilities affect every aspect of our lives. Read more to discover what makes you unique and how to apply that to the job of your dreams!
Burnout Linked to Chronic Stress at Work
By Kris Powers | May 31st 2019In its latest revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD), the World Health Organization (WHO) has officially classified workplace burnout as an occupational phenomenon. This change will be reflected in the new version of the handbook, International Classification of Diseases ICD-11, which will go into effect in January 2022.
What is burnout? In the past, the WHO defined it as a “state of vital exhaustion”. But with the recent revisions to the ICD, it is now classified as a work hazard.
Advice for Parents Going Back to School
By Kris Powers | May 15th 2019How do you carve out the time for career training or taking courses for degree completion? It might be a little difficult, but it is NOT impossible! We've come up with a few steps to get you started.
Facing Your Career Change Fears
By Kris Powers | May 1st 2019Any change in life comes with a degree of uncertainty. Some of us feel energized by new adventures, and some are so frightened that we stay in a bad situation far longer than we should.Truth be told, sometimes the fear is worse than the reality. The following steps might help you explore what is holding you back.
The Importance of Doing What You Love
By Kris Powers | April 17th 2019Finding a career that brings you happiness, and that can provide the needed income to support yourself, is indeed possible.